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Seal coating of asphalt throughout Chateau Park is scheduled for-

Monday June 17 (phase 1)
Thursday June 20 (phase 2)
Thursday June 27 (phase 3)

You will receive a notice but all vehicles should be removed from guest parking before 7 am on the slurry coat day. If you need to use a car parked in
the garage on you slurry coast day, you need to move it to a public street before 7 am

Beginning June 16th, vehicles may be parked on Forest Cove from Strawberry Hill to Canwood Street.  The no parking signs will be bagged so you may park where the signs were bagged.
Parking will be allowed on Forest Cove from June 16th – June 21st and June 26th to June 28th.


on-going tree cutting throughout complex


Cul de sac asphalt repair and seal coating is being scheduled when there is no rain in forecast for at least 10 days. Each Cul de sac will receive a notice so you can park your car on the street or in garage during process. If you need your car, park on the street and not in your garage during the asphalt repair process.

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